🌟My secret weapon: Tapping meditation

Easily release limiting beliefs and traumas

In a nutshell, Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique uses the meridian points (Chinese medicine) to reduce stress or negative emotions associated with a situation.

Watch the video with Kelly Elliott, my amazing tapping coach, from Free Your Life. She explains how Tapping can help you release limiting beliefs and PTSD. I saw tremendous changes in my life thanks to EFT.

I was introduced to tapping by my wonderful coach, Lise Janelle a few years ago. I didn’t really explore it at the time. Two years ago, one of my friends reminded me of it and I got hooked! It was at the time when The Tapping Solution organized its annual tapping summit (free), I followed all the sessions, even the ones that didn’t resonate…and happened to be the ones I needed the most!

Tapping is a wonderful, easy, fast and cheap tool. You can develop your own scripts, just watch videos on YT (Brad Yates have hundreds of them on any subject you might be looking for) and / or work with a practitioner - I do the 3.

I used tapping for many challenges I had; whether limiting beliefs about myself, my career, my life, money, or traumas linked with my childhood. Especially for getting out of victimhood. I am now way more positive, in control and gained a lot of clarity.

With my clients, whether organizations or individuals, this is one of the tools in my toolbox to help them reach their full potential.

If you want to learn more about me, you can look at my profile and my website.

Good luck! Onwards and Forwards🌟

Dance with Life
Peggy Van de Plassche