Somewhere in my journey I really got into energy practices. And it really works for me! Considering the beliefs - supported by science, I know some of you are sceptics, I was a BIG sceptic too!- that “Everything is energy” including us, it makes sense to spend time on getting our energy humming!
I have always been told that I was very energetic, which is great…however you want the good stuff, the right fuel, the positive source. You want the energy coming from a place of happy, joy, excitement, love, abundance, expansion versus a place of revenge, competition, greed, envy, anger and so on.
I did achieve a great deal in my life…but with mainly negative energy propelling me. So the million dollar question (not a question for me anymore, but I want to share my thought process!) is: Do you think that anything created from a place of heavy, dark, negative, stuff will turn out into being good for you and the world? 🤔
I don’t think so either!
So this is the rationale for spending some time on energy work.
I am a huge fan of the Daily Energy Routine (DER) - you can participate in the 7 day challenge (a 28 day challenge exists too) by following the YT link below.
I actually perform the DER every morning, first thing as I get up. If I do miss it (extremely rarely shall I say), there is a 100% certainty that I will feel shitty half-way though the day. This takes 5 min, so not another “wake up at 5am to do the 127 best practices you can’t survive without”!
I also sometimes do some of the exercises during the day for a quick pick me up before / between calls and meetings (the 4 Thumps and the Wayne Cook in particular).
Donna’s energy is contagious! Just watching her makes me smile and fill me with great positive energy. I don’t watch the videos anymore, as I know the routine pretty well (and I incorporated a couple of stretches and kundalini yoga poses to my own DER).
So whether you are a beginner in playing with energy or an advanced practitioner, it is definitely an easy, fast and efficient little routine that I highly recommend.
Donna has also published a couple of great books (such as Energy Medicine) and has run (and still runs) tons of great seminars. I will talk about all of that in separate post, because how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time 🐘
Happy Energy Tuning!